

Challenge Q & A

Fit and Holy Competition - Frequently asked questions

Q: I really want to do this challenge, but I am going on vacation within the next 8 weeks and don't want to be "dieting" during that time?
A:  Sign-up for the challenge anyway!  Go on vacation and have fun!  Most likely all of us will be vacationing at some point during the next 8 weeks.  Just because you cannot completely commit for a short period of time, doesn't mean that you cannot commit for the majority of it.   

Q: This challenge looks awesome, but I really don't have any weight to lose, can I still participate? 
A:  YES! YES! YES!  Even if you don't have any weight to lose, chances are there are other things you need to work on to get fit and to grow in holiness!  Maybe you'd like to tone up certain muscle groups, eat better, exercise more or establish a daily prayer routine.   If you don't have any weight to lose you can still earn weekly points for maintaining your current weight in addition to all the other ways you can earn points.  Your chances of winning this challenge are just as good as anyone else's.

Q: What is the weekly group challenge?
A: At the beginning of each new week, a unique challenge will be presented to the group.   If you successfully accomplish the challenge you will get to add in those points.  Each weekly challenge will have two components, a fit component and a spiritual component.

Q: How are the weekly prizes determined.  
A:  At the end of each week (Saturday) the four women with the highest points for that week will have their names put into a drawing.  There will be one winner each week. 

Q: What are the weekly prizes? 
A:  The weekly prizes will vary.  They may be gift cards to Subway, movie passes, frozen yogurt, etc., plus some unique and meaningful prizes as well!    

Q:  Will I be asked to buy anything or spend any money on products (aside from my initial sign-up fee of $25) at any time during the 8 weeks. 
A: NO - this challenge is not to promote any weight loss product or program.  It's simply a fun opportunity for us to support, motivate and inspire each other.  

Q: How much money will the overall 1st and 2nd place winners receive at the end of the challenge?
A:  That depends on how many women sign up to participate.  100% of the money collected will go towards prizes.  The majority of the prize money will be rewarded to the overall first & second place winners. 

Q: Will I be expected to share my current weight or any before/after pictures with the group?
A: No, you will not be asked to post any pictures or post your actual weight.  However, if you want to, you can (you just won't be asked or expected to).   This entire challenge is based an honor system.  Don't be afraid of having to post yourself on a scale each week to prove the pounds you've lost.  

Q: What is the beginning and end of each week?
A:  Sunday begins each week and Saturday ends it.  Your weekly point totals will need to be emailed preferably on Saturday evening (Sunday afternoon at the latest).  Weekly drawings will take place on Sunday evenings.  

Q: The point system seems a bit daunting and I'm concerned that it will consume too much of my time trying to keep track of everything.  
A:  To make it as easy as possible, you will be given a PDF blank log sheet.  It may take a day or two to get use to the point system, but after that, it shouldn't take you more than a few minutes each evening to log your points.  Easy peasey!

Q: This challenge starts really soon, doesn't it seems like that's really short notice?
A: Yes, it is short notice.  But deep down inside you know you've wanted to do something like this for a long time.    Stop waiting for the perfect time to start - it will never come.   So why not now?  Jump in and commit to getting fit...... and holy!